Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Email Update 6

It seems to be few and far between with the updates now. We still have no internet at home - yes, this is our fault (kind of), but it still may be awhile until we get it. We still want to keep in touch with everyone, so we are getting on the internet as much as possible, to follow that, here is an update!

Actually not much to update on except we visited Dubai this weekend. Yes, that is that famous place with the man-made palm tree islands and the Burj Al Arab (self-proclaimed) '7 Star' Hotel. It was a day trip and more of a tour of the city than visiting land marks. We drove into town and had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (how exotic, right? - ha!). Anyway, they were playing no music inside because it's Ramadan and loud music is banned during this time; we discussed what a unique experience to be in a Hard Rock that is not blasting music! We had to visit "Ski Dubai." For those of you that don't know, Dubai built it's own ski "resort." It contains a huge ski hill, some sledding hills, 2 tobaggan runs and a snowball "court." We went to the Mall of the Emirates, which is where the ski slope is located. Once inside we walked around the glassed in ski slope and took pictures of people skiing and sledding inside. It was like looking at a moving painting, it just seemed too sureal! We figured that we would have to return one day to go sledding and tobagganing just for the experiance (I am sure that will miss the snow too!).

Afterwards a few people wanted to look for a teacher supply store on the other side of town so we drove through the city looking for it. We were glad to be able to drive right through the middle of the city and see all the new buildings that are going up. It was hard for me to keep my eyes on the road because I wanted to look at everything too. We survived the traffic and made it to the teacher store (at least an hour later!).

After our boring trip through the store (or so Levi thought) we decided to ditch everyone else and check out the beach. That is one thing we haven't even done in Abu Dhabi yet, so we figured what better time? It was getting later in the day, the sun was setting and the beach had quite a few people playing in the surf, walking and roller blade around. It was warm, but there was a great breeze, so we walked up a short pier and took some pictures. It was very beautiful! When we looked back at the city we could see it was hazy and it was hard to see some to the city buildings. That sand really blocks the views. By the time we drove home it was dark. We were glad that we had stayed so long because we were able to see the city lit up. There are so many cranes and empty buildings that during the day it's not too beautiful, but at night everything has lights on it, so it made the city very interesting. The drive is not really too bad from our apartment so we plan on going several times to check out new things. We even hope to get into the Burj Al Arab to see all its '7 Stars!'

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