Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is so hard not having very many friends out here and hardly any family! We are so bored! At home we were always spending time with Vee and Artia or my parents, but now no one is really around that much. I take naps in the afternoon just to avoid the boredom and Levi stays up until all hours of the night just playing on the internet. I hope that things will get better in that aspect - maybe work will be more busy and I can bring stuff home to do (I never thought I would say that!).

We have been here for three months and we are just now getting into a normal routine - it's weird. Once our other things arrive I can really start to decorate our place with pictures and other items from home and then the place may feel a bit more cozy. All a part of the process I guess.

I hope you all are not bored at home, especially looking toward the holidays which are fast approaching. Send us your Halloween pictures because that is the best part to the start of the holidays!!!!