Tuesday, October 14, 2008

cherish the good times

The last few days I have been learning to appreciate the good times in the present and not to fret about what the future may bring. All last week I was filled with an overwhelming sense of dread about the uncertainty of the future. It was tainting every moment and making me focus on the negative when I should be appreciating every facet of this rare experience. I realized that it is not worth worrying about the future if it prevents you from enjoying the present and causes regret about the past. Now, if I could only remember to not forget that ;)

Weekends always help to put things into perspective, too. (Hey, I may not be working right now, but I still enjoy the weekends.) Thursday night we went to see the latest Coen Brothers flick, Burn After Reading. Brad Pitt's quirkier roles (Snatch, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, Kalifornia) are his best performances, but the bumbling moron he plays in this movie almost takes the cake. He is so convincing at playing unbalanced characters I am starting to wonder if he has a few screws loose himself. The scenes in which the upper-level CIA man is trying to explain the situation to his superior are also especially enjoyable.

Friday comprised of relaxing and being lazy not unlike how Sunday is usually spent in the states. We went to a gas station near our house for a midnight snack and stayed for the show. There is a KFC, Forty Fruitie (fruit smoothies), and Baskin Robbins inside the gas station and the KFC was just as busy at 12:30 as it was at lunch time. We couldn't resist sitting in our car and "people-watch" through the glass front wall of the gas station. We noticed a middle-aged man sitting at one of the tables. A couple young girls and a boy that seemed like his children visited him one at a time between walking out to a woman sitting in a car parked close to us. We tried to guess their story and imagined that he was an abusive father that was being allowed to visit his children in a public place while being supervised by his ex-wife. A little while later, he and his kids walked out with several bags full of food from KFC and got into the car with the woman proving our assumption was way off! Leave it to us; reality-TV riddled, overly dramatic Americans; to make a simple story of a man providing a meal for his family into a sad story of human tragedy, huh?!

On Saturday, we went to Carrefour to do some grocery shopping. There's something about having a refrigerator full of food that makes your life feel stable. Saturday evening, we sat on our back porch and relished the cooler weather (85 degrees feels cool compared to the 115 we experienced when we first got here!) I smoked apple tobacco in my shisha and let Sassafrass experiment while we web-cammed with my family back home. It was the first time I have been able to talk with my brothers and their families since coming here, so it felt like I wasn't so far away. Here are some pics of Pepe smoking shisha with me on a previous night. Monkeys love to smoke it up!

I had such a good time hanging out on the porch that I wanted to do it again the next night. But I should have learned by now that you can not recreate good times like that. You have to cherish the good times that are given to you spontaneously. I tried to sit out on the porch, smoke shisha, and listen to the Broncos game on Sunday night. I was by myself, the breeze wasn't blowing the same, the shisha wasn't as enjoyable, I was tired, and the Broncos were losing!

Well, we may not be able to recreate the good times but we can always be open to having more! Our annual Halloween party is still going on in our absence (thanks, Vee!) and we have a Halloween party to look forward to here at Kin and Barb's place. I was starting to think we were going to miss out on all the festivities of the season, but it sounds as though there are plenty of expats here that still celebrate it. It does seem to be missing the changing colors and scent of snow, though. Don't be shy about sending us any pictures you have taken that will help us feel like it is not eternally summer (changing leaves, pumpkin patches, costumes, corn field mazes are just a few suggestions, but you get the idea!)

Until next time, Inshallah!

1 comment:

T-Fo said...

Reading your post, it seemed like you were back in The States. What sealed the deal for me was you being able to watch the Broncos game. That, my friend, is pretty cool.

Be sure to have Pepe lay off the hookah. I don't want him to develop lung cancer. Henrique wants him back in one piece.