Friday, March 29, 2013

TX Trip Day 6 - Waco & the Salt Lick

Since our original plans for the trip became a little skewed last Saturday we made some readjustments. On Sunday March 24th, we had planned on having lunch with my Great-Aunt Margaret and her daughter Betty Ann, but we had to drive south instead of east due to Winter Storm Virgil. We re-scheduled with Margaret and Betty Ann for today. They live in Dallas (about a 5 hour drive from where we're staying), so we arranged to meet in Waco (just under a 3 hour drive for us). It was nice to meet Betty Ann (1st cousin to my mom, 1st cousin-once removed to me). She worked as a missionary in India for 11 years mostly during the 1990's. She continues to work for the same organization, but stateside. Aunt Margaret has long since retired and is living with Betty Ann. They brought some old pictures to share and we chatted a lot of about family history. I'm sure Thckblckglasses was bored, but he endured for us!

Aunt Margaret knew this was our first time in east Texas and so she had copied a page out of a Texas guide book. It had a few attractions listed for Waco and at first glance I could see Dr. Pepper Museum. I was ecstatic! How cool would that be? The hours were until 4 pm, and I didn't want to rush the ladies with socializing so I just put it out of my mind. Lunch was over by 3:30 pm and we needed to kill some time before heading out to a suggested BBQ joint south of Austin. We could make it to the museum in 6 minutes and check it out.

Upon reaching the museum we learned that the last ticket is sold at 4:15 pm, but it's open until 5 pm. Jack pot!!! Thckblckglasses and I bought tickets and took the self-guided tour. The museum is located in the exact spot where Dr. Pepper was invented and first turned into a mass product. There was a lot of history behind the product and other products it has since merged with (i.e. Big Red and 7-Up). We had Dr. Pepper floats afterwards and bought a few souvenirs. 

We finally headed south to The Salt Lick. The place was suggested by a friend that recently moved away from Austin; and highly recommended by her husband - no other place could compare - he said. The place is cash only and BYOB (yes - bring your own beverage!), so on the way in we stopped for some alcohol (at a local gas station - and, no, not that crappy 3.2 stuff, it's the real stuff). We arrived just before 8 pm and were told it would be an hour wait for a table. There was plenty of space to hang out and listen to the musician on an outdoor stage. 

Half-hour later we were seated at a table. Alcoholic beverages in hand we each ordered the Family Platter - BBQ sausage, pork ribs, and brisket piled high on a plate - ALL YOU CAN EAT. They also give sides like bread, coleslaw, beans, and potato salad. We stuffed ourselves full - maybe even past - and rolled back to the car. The food was so well done and smoky, it made it hard to put down. It will be hard to compare any other BBQ from here on out once eating at the Salt Lick - No Regrets!!

After dinner it was only an hour drive home. We are checking out of the condo tomorrow (apparently check out is before 10 am!!), but we're getting a free breakfast from the management company. We'll meet up with the rep. (the same lady who's been taking up so much of my mom's time) and she'll buy! Then we'll pack and head out for Odessa, TX. There will be loads of family to visit over the last 3 days of our trip. More to come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea! I am so glad you guys got some Salt Lick and it was yummy! Your trip sounds like quite an adventure. Hope your drive home goes well.