Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break - Texas Road Trip Day 1

This has easily been the weirdest day ever!

Me, thckblckglsses, and my mom left our house this morning at 5am with intent to be in Wichita, Kansas by nightfall. During the night it had started snowing, and unbeknownst to us the highway between our major city, Denver, and the state line was closed. In theory, this trip should have taken us around 9 hours to complete (including stops). In reality, we are not there, not even close.

We hung out at a local fast food joint called Del Taco in order to pass the time and hope the highway opened up again. After 2 hours we realized this would not happen, and started to discuss our options. It was finally decided that instead of driving east to Kansas, we would drive south directly into Texas (our final destination for this road trip). An hour later we were on the road, and by Noon we were ready to stop for lunch. 

Although, it was still snowing the roads were passable and the goal seemed to be a possibility. 

By 2pm our hopes dwindled. Diverted from the highway due to a multi car pile-up, we picked our way through the small town of Fountain. Emerging back on the highway around half hour later, only to find ourselves at the back of the line of cars stuck behind the pile-up. My mom made the brave decision to drive through the median (thoroughly covered with snow and a bit slick) in order to pop us back out on the opposite side. A short drive back to our exit point allowed us to follow a side road an hour down the road to Pueblo.

After stopping for a quick bathroom break (ok, not quick, as everyone else on the road was there!), we were back on the highway and happily headed toward the border. Roads were intermittently slick and wet. A mere 8 miles from the border we were again diverted off the highway!!! So frustrating!!!

Someone did not want us to make it out of the state today. Cozily snuggled in beds at the local hotel we wait for sleep and pray for better weather tomorrow. Texas is our final destination, and, as I told my sister on the phone today, we will get there even if we have to walk.