Monday, April 1, 2013

TX Road Trip Days 7,8,9 - On the Road Home

Friday morning it was time to pack up and leave San Antonio. It was slow going for us and the we checked out about an hour late! But once we were on the road we were able to make good time.

Heading west towards Odessa there was not a lot of traffic and at one point the speed limit went up to 80 mph. I had downloaded some 'discussion' questions, so Thckblckglasses and I sat in the front talking, while my mom slept in the back. I was so engrossed with our discussion I didn't notice that TBG was pushing the speed limit a bit far and soon there were flashing lights behind us. He quickly pulled over and the police officer approached us. TBG had been going only 8 mph over the speed limit - not a big deal, right? Well, not so much. In Texas, going 10% or more over the speed limit is worthy of a ticket, 80 mph speed limit @ 88 mph actual speed = 10% above the limit = speeding ticket! D'oh

It's not a road trip without adventure, and if you've never been pulled over in Texas you've never had an adventure. hahaha Ok we weren't laughing then, but looking back it's all part of being on vacation.

West Texas

Our arrival in Odessa was met by only 1 family member - unfortunately, everyone else had traveled to Dallas for a funeral or gone to the lake for the 3-day weekend. Cousin Karyn was more than happy to meet up with us for an early dinner. She took us to a local place called Casa Ole and we sat and let Karyn chat us up. Awesome Texas accent, along with non-stop story telling equaled a great time (and now we're caught up on all the family going-ons).

We decided to stop in Lubbock, TX for the night, only a 2 hour drive from Odessa. To be safe we made reservations and headed out of town. An uneventful evening, but a well-deserved sleep in and free breakfast allowed us a great Saturday drive. Only 5 hours to Trinidad, CO to spend the evening and Easter holiday with TBG's mother.

Phone in the bathroom of our hotel room.

Texas waffles!

I slept for the last 2 hours of the trip so that's boring! We were finally able to meet up with our pug, Lulu, as she had spent the week with TBG's mom. She was running around like crazy and so happy to see us (how do you explain to a dog that you'll be back? She was so confused for the first few days after we left!).

Easter brunch in the morning on Sunday and a short 3 hour drive home. Thinking back to what we had endured that first day in order to get to Trinidad and here we were cruising up the highway - snow free - on our way back home.

It was an amazing trip, but I think we're all glad to be home!

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