Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TX Trip Day 3 - Fun in San Antonio

After the debacle of the last 2 days, we decided to sleep in a bit and just get up when we were ready. I think we made it out the door around 1:30 pm, but we were able to cram in some fun stuff.
Taken by Liveislife (http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5309985)

In any city, we have to visit Hard Rock Cafe; this trip is no exception. It was our first stop for lunch and merchandise. Located along the Riverwalk, we were able to sit out and watch the people go by. The temperature was around 55*, so it was bit chilly, but there were strategically placed heaters all around the patio. It was a nice place to sit, check out the huge cypress trees, watch the water taxis, and grab some grub.

Our next stop was The Alamo! The mall across the street is playing an IMAX movie about it, but unfortunately we ran out of time. It's a highly recommended movie, so if you're in San Anton, check it out. The Alamo was built in the 1700's and ended up being the symbol for Texas' freedom. No pictures are allowed inside the original Shrine, but the facade is famous (and front and center on the website!). The grounds surrounding the shrine are beautiful gardens and other various buildings taken care of by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

Afterwards, we attempted to see the Tower of the Americas, but it was reserved for a private party. Maybe later this week we'll get the chance. It's the second largest free standing tower in America and has a rotating restaurant on top with an observation deck above it. I'll be sure to post if we get the chance to visit.

We spent the rest of the evening along the Riverwalk. There is a short, half-hour, narrated barge tour throughout the downtown area that we hopped on. This gave us a bit of insight into the Riverwalk, it's origins, and what types of shops and restaurants are along the way. This covers just a portion of it, and if there's time we may tour other sections.

Dinner at a nice little place called Rita's on the River allowed us to relax a bit. A mariachi band came over and played us a catchy tune while we ate. Afterwards, we walked down the river to a margarita bar, Rio Rio, and sat right against the railing to the river. Ducks swam around and the throngs of people closed in. 60 oz. later we decided it was time to go back to the hotel room. I'm glad we didn't feel rushed today, but tomorrow we're off to another adventure - Houston and the Johnson Space Center!!

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