Thursday, October 15, 2015

My 90s Dream Come True - Seattle

This is our first time to Seattle, Washington in the upper northwest of the US. A few months ago we decided we needed a trip and this just fell in our lap.

Frontier Airlines had cheap tickets, of course they are a budget airline, but we thought it was worth it. We were delayed because of Seattle's weather, so we landed a little late. It had been almost 6 hours since we had eaten and getting to the hotel might take an hour so we decided to eat before grabbing our baggage, bad idea! Apparently, Frontier has very few flights out of Seattle so once their flights are done everyone disappears. Our baggage had been cleared away from the luggage carousel so we spent a good hour on the hunt through the airport and on the phone with the airline. By the luck of it, we walked by a lady pulling a bag out of a cage behind the carousel, come to find out our bag had been there the whole time! It was a lucky thing and we were finally on our way into town.
Monorail from below
Seattle's Link Light Rail goes right into the city, where we connected to the monorail to take us near our hotel at the Seattle Center. The monorail was built for the 1962 World's Fair to ferry people between downtown and the fairgrounds (that also contains the Space Needle). The monorail is 3 stories off the ground and starts at a mall. The monorail trains still look very '60s in design and the creaking doesn't give much confidence, but we made it safely to the drop off point. I guess 50 years of ferrying people back and forth can't be wrong!
It was a short walk to our hotel from there. Unfortunately, the Space Needle was closed for a private event so our plans to see Seattle at night are on hold, but the view from our hotel is amazing! The Seattle City Pass allows us to visit the observation tower on the Needle twice, once during the day and once at night, so we anticipate incredible views.
Space Needle from our hotel room
For dinner we decided to partake in Seattle's fresh seafood. Cutter's, near Pike's Place Market, served up fresh crab, salmon, and prawns to satisfy our craving. This was a short start to a highly anticipated trip. Thanks for reading :)

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