Friday, November 28, 2008

Etiquette a la Cell Phones

We take the use of cell phones for granted. Here, in Abu Dhabi, cell phone use is wide-spread and no one has bothered to create etiquette guidelines for public use.

People at home are reminded to turn off their cell phones at the start of a movie and usually everyone does. Here, there is no such thing as turning off your phone - much less during a movie. Everyone around you will text and call their friends during the show, they will even lean over and share things with their friends while the movie is playing. It's very distracting with a cell phone light blaring in your face from the row in front of you.

When I am working with my teachers they always have their cell phones. During my training sessions their phones will go off and they do not hesitate to answer them. They bring their purses into class with them and they will answer their phone in the middle of a their own lessons too. I went in to a classroom to observe a teacher with the principal and we sat in the back of the room. The principal received a call while the teacher was teaching a lesson and she answered her phone and began to talk. The students around us turned to see who was talking and she did not stop.

Also, we figure that when we are walking through an art gallery that no one will be talking on their phone, or they will leave the area as to not disturb other patrons. Back in August we went to see a Picasso show. It was so quiet throughout the entire place until we reached the last room. A guy was standing in the corner talking on his cell phone. I have to admit it was a little distracting but we were listening to the headphone tour so it wasn't too bad. Another patron, a British man, decided that it was way too distracting for an art show and began to scream at the man on his phone. It escalated fast and security showed up to try and calm the Brit down. We decided it was time to leave that room!

So, we have an appreciation for our courtesy with cell phones. Next time someone is using their cell phone in an inappropriate place just be glad that it doesn't happen ALL THE TIME!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Don't forget the etiqette behind missed calls! This drives me get a missed call and you are expected to phone back. The conversation goes like this: "Hi. Who is this? You called my phone. I had 5 missed calls from you."

God forbid you mis-dial and hangup. The receiver will then bombard you with "mis-stingy" calls (call back and hang up) to see who you are...but not on their dirham.