Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pueblo, CO - Days 1 & 2

Okay, so I'll admit, when the school announced that this year's professional development was to take place in Pueblo, Colorado I was not too excited. I decided to make the best of it and take along my camera and Pepe to tell the story of our trip.

We came into town on Monday night and settled into the hotel room. Pepe didn't mess around:

We had this huge room to ourselves - one bed for Pepe, one for me:

Tuesday was spent in training all day with a short dinner at Ruby Tuesday - ha - that was totally coincidence! Many of my co-workers had driven down that morning and were ready to "hit the hay" for the evening so I wrapped up my night early. I did manage to catch a glimpse out my window to see my view:
Yeah, not really the best view, but I did find out that one of my co-worker's uncle owns the liquor store - Loco!

Pepe and I settled in and watched a bit of TV before wrapping up the evening:

Wednesday was, again, full of training. I tried to snap a picture of Pepe working hard, but the camera was acting up. He was fully engaged - take my word.
The evening was full of a paid dinner and $1 drinks at a local bar. Pepe took a peek over the railing into the Pueblo river walk and said river:

We walked down the street to the bar and it was cool! The place was called Phil's Radiator and looked exactly like an auto shop. Seems like a great concept for a place - although the owner sometimes has clueless people wander in with car parts, set them on the bar, and ask if he can repair it! Hilarious! "No, but here's an ice cold beer"

I decided to leave the bar early - 9ish - before the "crazy" comes out of everyone. I'm thinking that co-workers and $1 drinks are not a great idea. So far our trip has been fun and we learned a little bit about Pueblo. Tomorrow is our last day, so we'll see what kind of adventure comes our way!